Affiliate Management​

Influencers unlock buying power. To turn that power into revenue, we create a one-of-a-kind cohesive strategy while developing and guiding partnerships that will make an impact on your customers.

Affiliate Management

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Project summary :

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Client Details

Better finance and consulting 654, NewYork-22

Service Provided

Financing, Marketing, Tax Advising, Consulting

Project Timeline

5 Days planning, and 1 month for completion

Download Brochure

Magna voluptatum dolorem! Dolores! Sociosqu commodo nobis imperdiet lacinia? Magni! Felis, elementum nobis.


+92 3180152486

On a Whatsapp

Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

John Smith



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

MIley Cyrus



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

Thomas Walter



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

William Watt



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

James Scott



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

Sally Watrson




Building software is complex and time-consuming, but when done right it can be transformative for a company or industry. Here are some of the most common questions we field.

Both have their advantages. Hiring in-house is great for continuity and can be an asset in negotiating an acquisition, but you get more bang for your buck with a good agency team. Agencies can scale up and down as you need and have a bigger roster of technology experts, which speeds up development and increases product agility. Often times we’ll fill the gap until companies find the perfect hire, or we’ll fill the holes when Google poaches your senior software developer.

Well that’s a loaded question. Hiring a full-time developer with mid-level experience will cost you anywhere from 150-250K/year. Seniors regularly earn 400K+ at top startups. The speed with which a developer can implement something grows exponentially with experience.
Most contract developers range from $50-150/hour, depending on their location. We’ve priced ourselves to cost about what a mid-level engineer costs, but deliver a senior-level team with supporting Quality Assurance, architecture, and Scrum management.


As long as possible. Let us explain: Building a piece of software is an iterative process. It starts with an assumption about how a user will interact with your product. Once you build the software, one of two things happens. Either you validate your assumptions by seeing the kind of usage that you predicted, or you invalidate it by not getting the kind of usage you wanted. If validated, you’re onto something big and will want to deliver more features, more scalability, and more value to those customers. If invalidated, you’ll want to make adjustments or test new ideas. In either case, a sustained and ongoing approach will yield the best results.

That said, most of our projects run about three months and then either pause for testing and feedback or roll into a secondary phase with enhanced feature sets.

Both have their advantages. Hiring in-house is great for continuity and can be an asset in negotiating an acquisition, but you get more bang for your buck with a good agency team. Agencies can scale up and down as you need and have a bigger roster of technology experts, which speeds up development and increases product agility. Often times we’ll fill the gap until companies find the perfect hire, or we’ll fill the holes when Google poaches your senior software developer.

Well that’s a loaded question. Hiring a full-time developer with mid-level experience will cost you anywhere from 150-250K/year. Seniors regularly earn 400K+ at top startups. The speed with which a developer can implement something grows exponentially with experience.
Most contract developers range from $50-150/hour, depending on their location. We’ve priced ourselves to cost about what a mid-level engineer costs, but deliver a senior-level team with supporting Quality Assurance, architecture, and Scrum management.


As long as possible. Let us explain: Building a piece of software is an iterative process. It starts with an assumption about how a user will interact with your product. Once you build the software, one of two things happens. Either you validate your assumptions by seeing the kind of usage that you predicted, or you invalidate it by not getting the kind of usage you wanted. If validated, you’re onto something big and will want to deliver more features, more scalability, and more value to those customers. If invalidated, you’ll want to make adjustments or test new ideas. In either case, a sustained and ongoing approach will yield the best results.

That said, most of our projects run about three months and then either pause for testing and feedback or roll into a secondary phase with enhanced feature sets.

Awards & report

Top Developers

Top Entertainment App Developers


Best Mobile App Developer 

Top Rated​

Top Rated Developement Companies 

Web Excllence​

Web Excellence Award

Horizon Award​

Gold Award Winner 2023